UNSUBSCRIBE Вычеркнет 13

enjoy checking it out. Created by MegaZone, Benjamin 'Gryphon' Hutchins, and Robert 'ReReob' Mandeville, later joined by several others. 8.5.2: WHERE CAN I GET IT? FTP to /anime and get dp.uf.GUIDE.gz That is the guide file which explains the story layout and lists the story files. You can grab them all with 'mget dp.u*' 8.6: (REVISED) NINJAS AND SUPERSPIES IN INVID INVASION 8.6.1: WHAT IS IT? A gaming supplement by Chris Meadows that crosses Palladium's Ninjas and Superspies and the Invid Invasion. 8.6.2: WHERE CAN I GET IT? ftp.std.com /archives/anime-fan-works/Robotech/RPG FTP /anime: -rw-r--r-- 1 megazone 15555 Aug 26 07:37 robotech.invid.ninjas.spies.gz ftp to ftp.std.com /archives/anime-fan-works/Robotech/RPG 8.7: HE FINALLY LIKED MINMAY... 8.7.1: WHAT IS IT? A delightfully twisted short story, best left to be read and not described, by John Morrison. 8.7.2: WHERE CAN I GET IT? ftp.std.com /archives/anime-fan-works/Robotech

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