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(on average) bi-monthly magazine published by Ianus Publications in Canada, and costs $5.95 per issue. As of 8/29/94 the latest issue to have been released is #13, though #14 should be out any day now. As a side note, many of the authors and editors for Mecha Press have been known to participate in discussions on the newsgroup rec.games.mecha. If you are interested in the magazine and want more information, you can usually get in touch with them by posting a message to that newsgroup. 8.10.2: HOW DO I SUBSCRIBE? Subscriptions to Mecha Press are available at $36 for a 6 issue (1 year) subscription. All non-Canadian customers must pay in US currency. Canadians must add 7% for GST and overseas customers should add $15 for shipping. Checks should be drawn to "Ianus Publications Inc" and sent to the address below: Ianus Publications, Inc. 5000 D'lberville Street, Suite #332 Montreal, Qc. Canada, H2H 2S6 8.11: ROBOTECH: SWORDS 8.11.1: WHAT IS IT? A short story

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