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written in a post-Second Robotech War setting. Two pilots, Terran and Tyrolian, survive in the aftermath of the . Both are lost in a dying world, but each must carry out orders given by dead leaders. It is a glimpse into the life and death struggles of war and survival told by Daniel Bille 8.11.2: WHERE CAN I GET IT? If you would like a copy of Robotech: Swords, or one of his growing number of fiction peices, you can either email Dan (bille@nag.cs.colorado.edu) or you can anonymously ftp it from ftp.std.com under: ftp.std.com /archives/anime-fan/works/Robotech/robotech.swords.gz SECTION IX: РАЗНОЕ 9.1: Что еще можно почитать о РОБОТЕКе? 9.2: ROBOCON 10, конференция, посвященная 10-летнему юбилею РОБОТЕКа 9.1: ЧТО ЕЩЕ МОЖНО ПОЧИТАТЬ О РОБОТЕКЕ? Вот что: Robotech Art I, by Kay Reynolds and Ardith Carlton. Издательство Starblaze Editions/Donning Books. Дата выхода из печати: апрель 1986. ISBN: 0-89865-412-2 Robotech Art II, by Kay Reynolds. Издательство

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